Sunday, March 24, 2013

Google Docs and My Experience

I have used Google documents before and was quite familiar with the process when I began this section of the training. However, I had not considered it a valuable resource to use inside my classroom. I will be working Google Documents into my lesson plans for next year for sure. I am excited at the possibility of having my students complete their English essays in Google docs.  Then I can go into my students documents and correct them individually without the use of paper and without the hassle of students loosing their paper before it is due.   The ability for my students to be able to look up their Google docs at home as well as on the road is vastly appealing.  I have many, many students who loose their assignments and need second copies.  Our school district goes through copious amounts of paper each week, and Google Docs could drastically decrease my paper footprint throughout my district.

One of my concerns with Google docs is that my school system has computers that run slowly and poorly. They frustrate the students as well as myself.  I will have to gauge how reliable the computers will be for performing the tasks at hand. I am hoping to find many other uses for Google docs to use next year and some I can incorporate during the remainder of this year.


  1. Hi! First of all, your blog seems really great! Second of all, I really like your idea of having your students complete their essays in Google docs. I see a lot of the benefits which you do. We're just starting the research units at my school, and Google docs would definitely be a good tool for them to use.

  2. I agree that a huge benefit of Google Docs is the extra copy of the document it has. Students seem to lose everything so having that extra copy benefits everyone.
