Sunday, March 31, 2013

WallWisher and Our Classroom 'Collaboration in Reading'

I had never heard of WellWisher until I saw the link on ECAP.  I was curious and clicked the link to see what it could. be.  I was surprised by what I found.  A new way to collaborate with students and introduce units in a technologically advanced way.  I love the idea of uploading these boards to my website and allowing students to collaborate and share known and new information with each other.  For those students who need a little extra time to absorb information, these boards would be an amazing way to give them the support they need.  We are starting a new unit soon, and I plan on using the board I created to get my students started on the right path with their learning.  The boards also put more responsibility on the students.  Allowing students to make changes and identify their changes allows me to see which students are participating.  I think that WellWisher will be a wonderful addition to my classroom management while keeping students engaged and ready to learn.  


  1. WellWisher isn't one I'd heard of before, but I definitely see an application for it. Glad you mentioned it!

    1. Sorry, I meant WALLwisher, not WELLwisher. :)
